Sorry for the lack of posts as of late! I've been most busy getting ready for vacation/being on vacation/recovering from vacation that I recently had in St. Augustine, FL. I've got a backlog of beers and recipes that I hope to upload before school starts up again next week. More busy coming up! I'm caught in a busy sandwich.
This week I'm breaking my own rules a bit and reviewing non-Michigan beers. Scandal! How is this justifiable? Well, this raises an interesting question about how you define "local." To me, your locality is entirely based on wherever you happen to physically be; i.e. wherever you go, there you are!
Ergo, when in Florida, I should drink beer made in Florida! Today I've got four selections that you may (or may not!) want to check out on your next visit to the Sunshine State.
Name: Beachside Porter
Brewery: Florida Beer Company
Location: Melbourne, FL
Variety: Porter
Price: <$10 six pack
Dark beers are starting to grow on me. Traditionally I've had a changeable relationship with drinks on the Dark Side of the Beer Force, but some of my most favored recent tastings have been exactly that. I'm talking midnight black beers here. Oil in a glass. And I loved them! So I guess I'm starting to come around, which can only be a good thing. More beers to try!

Beachside Porter is one of the few Florida-brewed dark beers that I found while on vacation. I guess the 95 degree heat doesn't lend itself to really thick drinks, which is probably why this particular porter is so watery and thin bodied. Normally this is a criticism, but you know what? It works! This is a very refreshing dark beer, especially when enjoyed on a hot Florida beach.
Of course, refreshment doesn't mean much if the flavor isn't there. Thankfully, it has a nice roasted, malty flavor with a scent to match. I bought this beer the first day I arrived in Florida and when I left I wish I had bought more to bring back to Michigan.
Granted, it doesn't get as hot in Michigan, but good beer is good anywhere!
Rating: 7/10 - A tasty porter that's well suited for summer.

Name: Orange Blossom Pilsner
Brewery: Unique Beers
Location: Orlando, FL
Variety: Pilsener
ABV: 5.5%
Price: <$10 six pack
I like this bottle because it has a bee on it. That's more or less the reason why I picked up this beer.

Do you like my new mug? It's very big. "Go big or go home," as Thomas Jefferson once said. Or maybe it was a No Fear T-shirt.
The beer is an attractive golden color, not too dissimilar to honey itself. The head is white, foamy and lingering. The scene is slightly sweet but mostly malty. Unfortunately, I don't pick up very much on either orange OR honey flavoring. I was expecting something fruity and sweet and instead got a fairly straightforward pilsener.
At least the bee on the bottle is nice.
Rating: 3/10 - An average beer that fails to deliver on its name.
E-mail me at mibeerguy@yahoo.com if you have any questions, comments, or requests!
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