One of my more memorable vacations of the past few years was my visit to the Upper Peninsula. The UP (pronounced "You Pee" DON'T LAUGH) comprises roughly a third of Michigan's landmass, but contains only about 10% of it's population. It's also one of the most unique areas of the United States: culturally distinctive, geographically isolated, and possessing a wildness usually only found in Western states. Home to gray wolves, and now possibly cougars, it is a must-visit destination for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in Great Lakes culture. It also inspired one of my favorite Sufjan Stevens songs!
One of the few craft brewing operations in the UP is the Keweenaw Brewing Company out of South Range, MI. They would be notable for this fact alone, except that they do another unusual thing: their beers are sold in cans! Those Yoopers! Always gotta be different! Canning is seldom done in craft brewing operations, for reasons that I'm not sure of. Canning is cheaper than bottling, and cans can be taken outdoors - something that is probably a big selling point given the UP's outdoors-centric lifestyle.
But being different ain't enough! Are these canned concoctions any good?

Name: Lift Bridge Brown Ale
Variety: Brown Ale
ABV: 5%
Price: ~$8 six pack
Lift bridges, such as the Portage Lift Bridge featured on the can, are a type of bridge rarely found in the United States. Most tend to be older, built during an era of iron and steel and without the benefit of modern architectural engineering or space-age materials. Bridges are also among Michigan's most beloved structures, second probably only to lighthouses. So hey! Why not put one on a beer?
This particular brown ale pours like a cola; rich brown color, lots of fizz, and a foamy tan head. Scent is very sweet and yeasty. Taste is about as equally sweet with a bit of nuttiness, but the overall package is quite watered down. It tastes OK out of a glass, but made me say "Bleagh" when I tried it straight from the can.
Rating: 4/10 - Some hints of flavor, but not as rich as a brown ale should be.

Name: Pickaxe Blonde Ale
Rating: Golden Ale
ABV: 4.7%
Price: ~8 six pack
Hey, if St. Pauli Girl has proven anything, it's that people will buy beer if it has a foxy lady on the label.

Pours a clear, straw yellow with an off-white head. Scent is very, very light - somewhat bread-like with a little bit of hops? The taste is very fizzy and light, but generally kind of unpleasant. Tastes quite cheap. Not as cheap as actual CHEAP beer, mind you, but it could be more than it is.
Rating: 2/10 - Not a blonde you want to take home with you.

Name: Red Jacket Amber Ale
Variety: Amber Ale
ABV: 5.1%
Price: ~$8 six pack
Is it just me, or does the guy on the can look like the old Tampa Bay Buccaneers logo?

Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Pour is a clear reddish-amber with an eggshell-colored head (is there a difference between eggshell and off-white?) Scent is heavily malted with a hint of hops, but, like the previous two beers, the smell is mostly intangible. Tastes like a typical amber with light, fruity malts and a touch of bitterness. I'm not crazy about ambers to start with, and this one doesn't stand out, sadly.
Rating: 4/10 - Hey, remember when the Bucs won a Super Bowl? Seems like forever ago, don't it?

Name: Widow Maker Black Ale
Variety: Schwarzbier
ABV: 5.2%
Price: ~$8 six pack
Last but not least is the darkest of the lot, Widow Maker Black Ale. Apparently this was named after a mining drill that had a high death rate for the men that operated it. It was also apparently ridden by a saucy tart in a red dress!

Hey, it looks like a stout! Thick and dark with a caramelized head, this would fool you if you hadn't read the label first. Scent is that of roasted malts, molasses, and a little bit of chocolate. The taste and body is very light and drinkable, with some pleasing nutty flavors to accompany the roasted malts. Surprisingly tasty, and easily the best of the bunch.
Rating: 7/10 - Worthy of a six-pack purchase.
E-mail me at mibeerguy@yahoo.com to tell me I was too harsh on ol' Keweenaw.
P.S. Here's some shots from my vacation to the UP. SINCE I KNOW EVERYONE LOVES VACATION PHOTOS SO MUCH.

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