Name: Angler's Ale
Brewery: Arcadia Ales
Location: Battle Creek, MI
Variety: English Pale Ale
ABV: 5.1%
Price: <$10
Angler's Ale and a fish dish?! Oh, I'm just so creative, aren't I? Craft brew pale ales are pretty common - just about every place has one and any lover of craft brewed beer has drank their fair share. So for a pale ale to impress a frequent beer drinker it has to be pretty damn good. And I've had some great and awful pale ales before.
This is my introduction to Arcadia Ales. Let's hope it's a good one!

It's an attractive enough beer. Crisp, clear, amber with a fair amount of fizz and a white head that dissipates quickly. The aroma is lightly flowery with a hint of fruits. The taste is dry and bitter, but nicely flavorful if not as strong as some pale ales I've had. The overall taste pattern is slightly toasty but mostly sharp.
So, it's a pale ale. A pretty standard pale ale, to be honest, but enjoyable and crisp. I bought it as a single and after finishing it I found myself wishing I had sprung for a six pack, which is always a telltale sign of enjoyment. I paired it with the trout I made and the two went very nicely together. The sweetness of the butter, pecans, and fish was a nice juxtaposition to the bitterness of the beer. I'll be buying this one again!
Rating: 7 out of 10
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