Just so people how to interpret my uninformed opinions, I thought I would detail the ratings system a little better.
Essentially, I'm using the same sort of scale that one of my favorite food blogs, Candy Blog, uses. I like the 10 point scale because of the range that it gives, and I like their system because it is nicely balance. A 5/10 rating is not BAD, it is what it is. Middle of the road. Average. Standard. This differs from video game Websites where a 7/10 is defined as "WORST GAEM EVAR MORE LIEK SUPER FAIL-IO BROS LOL."
For me, my quintessential 5-out-of-10 is Labatt Blue. This has always been my favorite "common" beer for its pleasant taste, low cost, and great enjoyment it has brought me through the years. I'm well aware that my opinion of Labatt Blue is based on my own sentimental feelings rather than the beer's actual character, but remember, I don't care.
Essentially, if a beer is above a 5/10, this means I would purchase it over Labatt Blue if given the choice. If it is under 5/10, that means I would just as soon purchase Labatt Blue. This does not necessarily mean that Labatt Blue is BETTER than a beer that gets a 4/10 (like the Nut Brown Ale), but that, in my case, it was not worth the extra money I spent. Because I'm a poor student, cost is a factor to me when it comes to beer and I feel its important that a beer be worth what you pay for it (like Devil Dancer).
So, to sum it up:
10/10 - Ambrosia
9/10 - Damn Amazing Beer
8/10 - Damn Great Beer
7/10 - Damn Good Beer
6/10 - Damn Fine Beer
5/10 - Labatt Blue
4/10 - Not So Bad
3/10 - Not So Hot
2/10 - Not So Good
1/10 - Coors Light
Confused yet? Just click the Candy Blog link and see what I mean.
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