Ach, why does school have to start RIGHT when the best season for beer kicks off? I've got a whole mess of beers to review piling up and I can't get to them because of the McKinley-sized pile of assignments I'm buried under! Why can't school be out again?!
So, today you're getting a special treat: three beers in one! (Note: Do not mix these three beers together). Each of these is from the fabled Bell's Brewing Company in Kalamazoo, MI. And good news for my friends and family following this blog from other states: You can probably buy these beers in your state!

Name: The Oracle DIPA Ale
Variety: Double IPA
ABV: 10.4%
Price: $3-4 per bottle
Woohoo! New beer! That's right - this isn't a seasonal that I missed or a regular ol' offering that my shiftless ass just got around to trying. The Oracle is BRAND NEW!

It's SO new it's not even listed on Bell's' Web site! Don't believe me? Go check. I'll wait. Hah! See? Now that you trust me, let me tell you who was REALLY behind the Kennedy assassination...

It was Dr. Doom! More importantly, the beer. It pours a delightful brown-amber with a foamy off-white head that lingers beautifully. The scent? Complex as hell. I must have smelled this beer for a minute, trying to pin down what notes I was picking up. Oddly enough, this beer smells quite a bit like fresh-cut pineapple to me! I guess it's maybe the citrus notes of the hops mingling with the heavy alcohol of the beer, but I smelt what I smelt. Peppery, bubbly pineapple.
I'm starting to take notes as I taste beer, since I sometimes come to this blog and... have.... pain.... with word.... stuff. The first words I wrote down were "spiky taste, hot." Indeed, it is quite sharp and bitter. It puts a fair amount of heat on the tongue, and it reminded me a fair amount of my first review Founders Devil Dancer. Oracle seems to be more bitter with less of the cooling after taste of DD. All in all, a VERY solid double IPA, but worth almost $4 a bottle? Not on a regular basis for me.
Rating: 8/10 - Sharp, well-balanced and certainly worth a taste.

Name: Best Brown Ale
Variety: Brown ale (duh)
ABV: 5.8%
Price: ~$10 six pack
I have SO been waiting for this. Bell's Best Brown is sort of their winter complement to Oberon - dark, dry and befitting the long, cold Michigan winters when the mind takes a turn for the introspective, and moods become ruminative. Also, I LOVE OWLS. I'm seriously batty about birds (heh), and owls are a particular obsession of mine. The owl on the label is a boreal owl, a small bird of prey known for its "angry" face. I've never seen one in person, but the day I do I will be sure to tell you lot.

Guess what? A brown ale pours a rich, brown color. The head is thin and snappy, suggesting dry carbonation that seems incongruous with dark-colored beers. The scent is a pleasant blend of smoke and nuts, with a stalwart oaky and woody background. "Reminds me of an old, picturesque barn," I've scrawled in my notes (read: ramblings).
Confession time: I've had this before. I know it tastes good. But! Now I get to describe it for you. Ummmmmmmm..... it's good! It's rich and creamy but with a dry, satisfying finish. Malts, oats, and a bit of bitterness thrown in for good measure. FACTUALLY TESTED: It pairs well with sweets! I was starving one winter night when I was drinking this and all I had was brownie bites from Trader Joe's. Imagine my surprise when the two tastes enhanced each other! You never know what will work, people.
Rating: 9/10 - Pleasant, drinkable, but with a slight attitude. Just like that little ol' owl on the bottle!

Name: Kalamazoo Stout
Variety: Stout (duh, again)
ABV: 6%
Price: ~$12 six pack
Annnnnd here's that shiftless ass I was talking about. Kalamazoo Stout is available year-round; I've just never gotten around to it. Hey! Remember that about a month or so ago, I was scared of stouts. They were too stout for me! Stouts are the Conan of beers and I'm more or less Woody Allen. Without the weird life choices.

Coffee beer! Pours midnight dark, with a thick, foamy, tan head. The scent is heavily roasted with a bit of deep molasses-licorice notes. The taste is mighty. Smacks you down. One sip and you're in a UFC-level beatdown of dark, sinful flavors. Roasted malts, dark coffee, and creamy texture meld into a heavenly amalgam that finishes clean and leaves you wanting more.
Most surprising is how drinkable this beer is. Stouts are usually quite filling - you finish one, you're done. You've got a brick in your stomach. But the K-zoo Stout feels quite light despite its overall rich qualities. Watch out, Breakfast Stout! I've found a new, exciting flavor of love.
Rating: 10/10 - Deep, rich, and flawless. It'll make you a believer in the Dark Side.
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