Did you know there are more than 70 breweries in Michigan? No joke! The Michigan Brewer's Guild has worked hard to brand Michigan as "The Great Beer State," and, if one were to bestow such an honor upon one of the U.S.A.'s 50, the Wolverine State would certainly be in the running for No. 1. "Yo, California, I'm really happy for ya and imma let you finish, but Michigan has some of the best beers of ALL TIME."
And I've reviewed, what? Beers from MAYBE a dozen different companies? My God! I really am uninformed! Granted, not all brewpubs sell their beers statewide, and those that do tend to have their shelf space squeezed a bit by big boys like Bell's. But neither man nor blog can thrive without growth, so today I'll be giving the ol' critical appraisal of two beers from Dark Horse Brewing Co. located in Marshall, MI near Battle Creek. "Yo, Bell's, I'm reallyah this joke was dead the day after 'Ye did it.

Name: Perkulator Coffee Dopplebock
Variety: Dopplebock
ABV: 7.5%
Price: ~ $7-8 four pack

Geez, I hope I don't get sued by The Drudge Report for that. Anyways, my layout is better than Drudge's. And my content.
Yes, anyways, COFFEE BEER! Note that the beers in the first and second picture BOTH say "Perkulator" on the label. That's because the beer has two different labels! One has espresso machines blasting off and the other has the Devil (or at least some named lesser demon) drinking a cup of coffee. What the Devil has to do with coffee I'm not sure. Though I admit I've felt more than a little possessed after some cups of coffees incidentswhichIwon'tdiscussherethankyouverymuch.

Pours very thick and dark with an almost non-existent head. On the nose, Perkulator smells heavily of strong, black coffee. The scent is heavily roasted, and I was reminded of an upscale coffee shop while I was smelling it. Flavor-wise, WHOA. Coffee coffee coffee. Strong, to boot. The first sip gave me gooseflesh in the same manner as a cup of espresso does. The finish is quite cool, owning to the beer's strong-bodied, smooth nature.
Strong, bracing and tough, it doesn't shy away from its coffee nature with the tempering of chocolate flavor that most breweries add to make it more appealing. Perkulator pulls no punches, and I loved it for that. Available only in the fall, and it appears to be going fast. Find it while you can!
Rating: 9/10 - "Stronger."

Name: Scotty Karate
Variety: Scotch Ale
ABV: 9.75%
Price: ~$7-8 four pack
Apparently this beer is named after a one-band man musician near Marshall. That explains the trippy label!
Aren't one-man bands a funny thing? I'm sure it's difficult, but the end result is almost always completely annoying. Like when you see a guy riding a unicycle in public. You want to applaud and throw a rock at him at the same time.

Scotty pours an attractive reddish-amber with a thick khaki head. Scent seems heavily malted to me with a lingering fruity-chocolateyness. Taste is very earthy, very nearly that of peat like an actual scotch. Not particularly smooth and somewhat bleagh inducing. Didn't meet my expectations for what I'm used to from Scotch ales.
No secret, I didn't care for this beer, but it seems I'm the only one. I told my friend Jeff that I didn't like it and he was nearly beside himself. Is it a Soft Parade situation again? It kinda feels like it. I'd be willing to give it another try since maybe my expectations were interfering the first time, but for now I'm not chopping boards in excitement.
This is a seasonal offering too, so if you doubt my opinion then be sure to disprove me before winter ends.
Rating: 4/10 - "Love Lockdown."

Name: Crooked Tree IPA
Variety: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6%
Price: ~$10 six pack
Bonus beer! Initially this review was just going to be Perkulator and Scotty Karate, but wouldn't you know it? I bought beer on my last school night of the week. Actually, this sort of counts as a liveblog since I'm drinking Crooked Tree as I'm writing this! Not as you're reading this. Unless you're reading this as I'm writing this, in which case quit looking over my shoulder. No one likes a lookie-loo.

Pour is a cloudy amber with a bubbly eggshell head that sticks around. Aroma is nicely sweet, more fruity than floral. Dry, dull bitterness hangs around from start to finish - dry, well-balanced, and a very drinkable IPA. Not the most amazing or inspiring one I've had, but a solid beer!
Rating: 7/10 - "Homecoming."
E-mail me at mibeerguy@yahoo.com if you've got any questions, comments, or suggestions! Or if you want to mock my taste in music.
Or old jokes.
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